Sunday, November 7, 2010


Our shop is turning one month old this week and so far this journey has been awesome. As we've said before, we are a mom and daughter pair who love to craft our mini houses. I actually began this journey a year ago when I crafted my first halloween house with spooky lights and a lighted witches cauldron inside. Everyone loved my house, so my mom and I thought that this would be a great project to do together since she is a fellow crafter. This past summer we began working on a few houses here and there getting ready for a local craft show. We sold about four houses and were just thrilled that we even sold that much. We instantly began an etsy shop afterwards to showcase the rest of our houses and within a week we had already sold one. What a celebration we had. As everyone else, we have been learning as we go as far as: how to advertise, how to best ship our products, and how to create cuter houses. To this date we have sold ten houses total and have 3 custom orders we will are working on. Hope we can keep the orders coming and keep surprising everyone with our creative new house themes.


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